Monday 4 May 2009

Chapter One

It was the start of Summer break for a group of four College students. Hannah and George who are dating, Emma and Henry who are also dating. Every year they go on vacation together like they have done since Juniour High. George heard about a island that was in the middle of no where. The group all agreed that a romantic get away was in order.

It took them several days to get close to the island. There was a abandoned town which was the closest part of the mainland to the island. Hannah being the youngest out of the four had the chills when they entered the town.

The shops looked brand new but the cobwebbs made even the newest shop look as though it was stuck in the 1920's. Hannah looked around at the houses all of them looked as though the owners just up'd and left. George parked the ford mustgang at the dock. there was a old rowing boat that was tied to the moorings on the dock. Emma and Henry looked around at the shops and saw that the groceries in the shop were in date.

They picked up the food, gas bottles, a gas stove and matches.

The group decided to row over to the island and spend their vacation there.
It took them several hours to row to the island, the open sea rocked the boat but they managed somehow to get to the island in tact.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

About the Author

Hey, my name is Ady, I'm 22 years old and i live in Merry old England. My favourate author is Stephen King.

my inspiration for my novels come to me from dreams.

I am using my over active imagionation with my average writing skills to produce novels. Partly for fun.

all of my novels are sold HERE the site is for all authors both self published and published authors.

My Favourate Film is: The Omen
My Favourate Novel is: Stephen King - IT

I'm working on several novels at the moment but i'll not tell you about the other books i'm working on and considtrate on the land of horror.

Sunday 26 April 2009


Okay, so i've decided to write a horror ebook. What? what is one of those i hear you all asking.
well basically a ebook is a pdf version of my novel. Unfortunatly its not free since my time and effort has gone into it but it is only £3 or $5 depending on where you are.

My story is about a town that had was next to a old and abandoned island, by next to i mean it was the nearest land mass to the island not the island was right ontop of it.

From what the citizens of the town saw the island was simply that, a plain and standard island. until one year a group of College students go on a camping holiday and decide it would be rather fun to camp on the island and see what it is like...

... They didnt expect to find a large wooden house in the center of the island nore did they expect to find anything else out of the ordinary. Travel with them as I explore your minds and theirs with the history of the island...

... be warned I'm a Stephen King fan, so thats Anything goes
